Course curriculum

  • 1

    Red Flag Issues: During the Initial Consultation

    • Attorney Fee Red Flag

    • I have a bad feeling

    • The Brenda Technique

    • Too Much Debt

    • Are They Married to Each Other?

    • Individual Tax Payer Identification

    • They Know the Law Better Than You!

    • Is There a Law Suit?

    • Slow to Return Your Paperwork

    • Not Filing a Tax Return is a Red Flag

    • Red Flag: Trying to Tell You What to Do!

    • Red Flag: Property Given Away, Sold or Transferred

    • Red Flag: Taking the Client's Estimate of Property Values

  • 2

    Red Flag Issues: After the Consultation

    • Red Flag: Client Arguing With Your Staff

    • The Check Bounces

    • Red Flag: Oh, Another Thing....

    • Client Control

    • Refer to Another Attorney

    • Refund of Attorney Fee

    • Single Tax Filer and Head of House

  • 3

    More Red Flags Coming Soon

    • More red flags coming soon!

  • 4

    The Basics of Bankruptcy Video Course

    • Copy of Welcome to The Basics of Bankruptcy.

    • About Your Instructor: Mike Gouveia

    • Admission to Federal Court

    • Before we begin...

    • Chapter 7 Timeline 2020

    • Attorney Guide to Chapter 7

    • Appendix to New Attorney Guide to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

  • 5

    #1 Questions to Ask at Bankruptcy Intake

    • Basic Intake Questions to Ask Clients

    • More Basic Question to Ask Your Client

    • Test your learning

    • Practice Pointer: Do I want to work with this client?

    • What You Need in Your Bankruptcy File

    • Practice Pointer: Ask for the information before the potential audit

    • Test your learning

  • 6

    #2 Photo Identification and Proof of Social Security Number

    • Photo Identification and Social Security Proof

    • Practice Pointer: Ask to See The Photo ID and Social Security Proof

    • Practice Pointer: If Client Does Not Have ID or SS Proof

    • Test your learning

  • 7

    #3 The Last Filed Tax Return

    • The Last Filed Tax Return

    • Practice Pointer: Review the Tax Return Before Sending to Trustee

    • Practice Pointer: Tax Return Not Filed

    • Test your learning

  • 8

    #4 Certificate of Counseling

    • Certificate of Counseling

    • Practice Pointer: Certificate of Counseling

  • 9

    #5 Before the Meeting of Creditors

    • Petition Preparation Tips

    • Notice of Commencement of Bankruptcy Case

    • Send the Last Filed Tax Return to the Bankruptcy Trustee

    • Practice Pointer: Sending the Taxes to the Bankruptcy Trustee

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    #6 Trustee's Sample Questions

    • Bankruptcy Trustee's Sample Questions

  • 11

    #7 Debtor Education and Close of Case

    • Debtor Education: Debtor Financial Management Course

    • Practice Pointer: Debtor Financial Management Course

    • The Discharge Order on the Case

    • Close of the Case/ Termination Letter

  • 12

    Thank you!

    • Thank you!